Tourist Information Center Partnership Project

Obruchev’s Museum of Local History of Kyakhta


Buryat Republic
Buryatia, Kyakhta, Lenin street, 49
Phones: +7 (30142) 92-333
Web site: музейкяхта.рф


One of the oldest museums in Siberia and the Far East, founded in 1890, it is called the "Siberian Hermitage".
120,000 items of storage are unique archaeological collections, reference samples of flora and fauna, objects of Russian-Chinese trade of the XVIII-XIX centuries.


Kyakhta is a small historical city of Russia, located on the Russian-Mongolian border. The Museum is located in the building of the former city school. The architecture of the building's facades can be described as a belated and naive provincial creation of the architecture of Russian classicism of the XIX century.
The Kyakhta Museum of local lore until the 20s of the XX century is the only research institution in the territory of modern Buryatia.
The Museum has more than 120,000 items in its collections. These are unique archaeological collections, reference samples of flora and fauna, objects of Russian-Chinese trade of the XVIII-XIX centuries. And one of the most interesting collections of the Museum, reflecting the history of the city, region, country, can undoubtedly be considered the Fund "Documents and photo documents" consisting of about 5000 documents and photos. The rare book Fund of the Kyakhta Museum of local lore is the largest repository of books and maps of the XVII-XX centuries in the region. The archaeological collection includes materials from ancient burial grounds, settlements, lifting material from the stone age, bronze age, early iron age, Xiongnu time and the middle ages. Ethnographic collections include items of material and spiritual culture of the peoples of Transbaikalia and Mongolia: Buryats,Mongols, Evenks, zabaikalian old believers-Semey. They include objects of everyday life and religion of the population of Buryatia. The collection of objects of decorative and applied art of Russia, Mongolia, China, and Japan is admired.
The Museum's collections contain unique and interesting materials on the topic "History of geographical discoveries of Central Asia": personal belongings, expedition equipment, documents, photographs, furniture of famous travelers-N. M. Przhevalsky, V. A. Obruchev, G. E. Grumm-Grzhimailo, P. K. Kozlov, G. Tsybikov, etc.
The materials of the funds reflect the history of Buryatia and Russia of the XIX-XX centuries: the development of culture and education. The Decembrist collection includes personal belongings and watercolors of the Decembrist brothers N. A. and M. A. Bestuzhev.
The Merchant's living room hall presents all the richness and variety of the merchant's house interior. Here you can see a ladies ' secretaire, a handmade tapestry, a collectible piano by K. Bechstein, a Chinese music screen, original porcelain garden stools, porcelain vases from China and Japan of the XIX century, and many others. Part of the exhibition tells about the Great tea way, as well as samples of Chinese tea, a map of the tea way, etc.