Tourist Information Center Partnership Project

Memorial Tyurin’s House Museum


Voronezh Oblast
Nikitinskaya str., 22, Voronezh
Phones: +7 (473) 280-21-24
Web site:
A Museum with a Playground for childrenThe collection of the museum "House of Tyurins" is an unusual interactive modules created based on the works of S. Ya.Marshak.


The museum's collection consists of unusual interactive modules based on the works of S. Ya. Marshak. These modules are different from each other and offer children a variety of games based on the famous poems written by Marshak. Children will try to collect the luggage of a well-known Lady, play the play "Cat's House", get acquainted with the circus artists in the course of a game-adventure, etc.
The modules in the translation hall are no less interesting. The children will be able to "look" into the house that Jack built and even into the palace of the Queen of England, test their dexterity and ingenuity in "hunting" with trappers and much more.

The interactive exhibition "Marshak's Courier Train" is dedicated to the biography and original work of S. Ya. Marshak, a famous children's writer born in Voronezh. The exhibition is located in two halls and includes game modules.
In the first hall, children seem to make a journey, stopping at the "mileposts" (information banners) that tell about significant periods of S. Marshak's life, as well as at the stations – interactive game modules dedicated to various original poems: "Baggage", "Circus", "Cat's House", "That's what scattered", etc.
In the second hall there is an exhibition "Visiting Robin-Bobin" that introduces children to the characters of S. Marshak's translations. The central place is given to the "Train" module, and there are also game models dedicated to English folk songs about Humpty Dumpty, Robin-Bobbin, the House that Jack built, etc. Next to the modules are banners with the text of the work in English and Russian.

In one of the halls there are information banners that introduce the life of S. Marshak. They show photos of the poet and his family, friends and colleagues, book covers, and interesting facts.


The museum is located in a small one-story house, an architectural monument of the mid-XIX century. This building belonged to Anna Nikolaevna Tyurina – a cousin of the famous Voronezh poet I. S. Nikitin. Now in this house there are two interactive expositions dedicated to the work of S. Ya. Marshak.

Interesting Facts

In the center of the hall dedicated to the translated works of S. Ya. Marshak, there is a large game train, which is also part of the game programs. The front of the train is decorated with the inscription "MARSHAK". This object symbolizes the fascinating journey of young visitors through the milestones of the life and work of a children's writer. On the sides of the train are game modules based on the poems "Brave Tailors" and "The Royal March". In the cab of the train, the children will get acquainted with other heroes of English folklore: Humpty Dumpty, Robin-Bobin, the three wise men.

It hosts the festival "Birthday in the Museum", the New Year's matinee "Pie sat on the Christmas Tree" and the games "The train is announced to the children", "Mother Goose", "Brothers-months", as well as the quest" The road to the kingdom of Marshak "and the master class"At the last point on the last line".