Anton Chekhov House Museum
In 1889 Anton Chekhov’s younger brother Mikhail made a few sketches of the house interiors on postal paper. A memorial part of the museum was restored based on the drawings and memoirs of Mikhail and their sister Maria.
Anton Chekhov House Museum is located in a two-storied stone house which was built in 1874. Chekhov rented the house from a well-known Moscow doctor Yakov Korneev. Chekhov lived here before his travel to Sakhalin Island, from 1886 to 1890. In this house he wrote a lot of plays and more than one hundred short stories. Many writers, painters, artists, musicians came to visit him at this house: Vladimir Korolenko, Aleksei Suvorin, Dmitry Grigorovich, Isaac Levitan, Franz Schechtel, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, etc. The memorial part of the museum demonstrates Chekhov and his family's lifestyle. Rooms with the literary exposition demonstrate different phases of the writer‘s career.
The first Moscow museum dedicated to Anton Chekhov was founded in 1912 on the initiative of the writer’s family. 17 Oktober 1921 the Moscow State Museum named after Anton Chekhov was established. Afterwards the museums’ collections were mostly transferred to the Vladimir Dahl Russian State Literary Museum and in 1954 the Anton Chekhov House Museum was opened as its department.
Mosсow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., 6