Музей-усадьба П.И. Чайковского
Udmurt Republic
119 Tchaikovsky street, Votkinsk, the Udmurt Republic
Phones: +7 (3412)572-075
Web site: https://tchaikovskyhome.ru/english
The legendary house of the Tchaikovsky family, where Pyotr Ilyich spent his childhood.Votkinsk is the birthplace of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. Here he was born on May 7 (April 25) 1840 and lived the first 8 years of his life. Childhood impressions left an indelible mark on the soul of the future composer. In 1878, Tchaikovsky wrote: "As for the Russian element in my music in general ... this is due to the fact that I grew up in the wilderness, from childhood, from the earliest, imbued with the inexplicable beauty of the characteristic features of Russian folk music."
State memorial and architectural complex “Museum-estate of P.I. Tchaikovsky ”occupies an area of 3.2 hectares and includes 16 exposition objects that give an idea of the spatial and artistic environment of the childhood of the great man.
The exposition of the memorial house reflects the spirit of the first half of the 19th century. Walking through the quiet halls of the museum, examining documents and photographs, one can imagine the environment that surrounded the impressionable boy, everything that prompted his childish mind to think, which gave rise to the first melodies of joy and sadness, the first longing and sonorous childish happiness in his soul. The greatest interest among visitors is aroused by the grand piano of the Tchaikovsky family, the icon "Image of the Virgin Mary", a fireplace screen embroidered by the mother, books from the factory library. The outbuildings recreated according to the drawings of the 19th century housed expositions introducing the life of the artisans of the Votkinsk plant. In the concert hall of the museum, concerts of masters and performers of classical music are held, here you can listen to recordings of Tchaikovsky's works. The art salon of the museum offers a wide selection of souvenirs and commemorative products about the homeland of the composer, products of the oldest Russian enterprises, products of folk art masters.
In 1837 Ilya Petrovich Tchaikovsky was appointed as the new head of Kamsko-Votkinsky district. Upon arrival from St. Petersburg in Votkinsk he along with his wife Alexandra Andreyevna settled in Gospodskaya street in spacious, comfortable house - state apartment of iron works mining department heads. The Tchaikovsky family was characterized by rare atmosphere of love, an exceptional harmony and mutual respect. They spent 11 happy years in Votkinsk and four children were born there. May 7, 1840 Pyotr Tchaikovsky - the future genius of Russian music was born.
State memorial architectural complex "Museum estate of P. I. Tchaikovsky" is a unique monument of history and culture of national importance. Admirers of Tchaikovsky come here from all over the world to plunge into the atmosphere of childhood of the Russian genius, to hear the sound of his children's piano and old orchestrina.
April 30, 1940, on the eve of the 100th anniversary from the composer's birthday, the old mansion on the shore of the pond again became called the Tchaikovsky house and warmly welcomed its first visitors, as in the old days, when the friendly owners were living here. Two years earlier the Decree of the Council of people’s Commissars of UASSR approved the initiative of Votkinsk city council and a Commission responsible for holding the centenary of the birth of P. I. Tchaikovsky was established. The building, which from 1806 to 1938 belonged to the iron works, was transferred to the museum.
The Tchaikovsky house was restored twice. During restoration in 1967-70 it received the appearance of 30-40-ies of XIX century, the interior of the apartment of mining department head was restored. 1990 became a turning point in the fate of Tchaikovsky house. To celebrate the 150th anniversary since the birth of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky the original appearance of the "state mansion at the iron works" was completely restored. On the ancient foundations household outbuildings were built: a shed for carriages, stables, flocks, ice room, greenhouse, surrounded by fruit gardens, garden houses (16 expositional objects on the territory of more than 3 hectares). Also in 1990 opposite the Museum a monument to P.I. Tchaikovsky was installed, which has become one of the attractions of Votkinsk. (The author is a Moscow sculptor O.K. Komov).
The main relics of the Museum are subjects belonging to the family of Tchaikovsky. First of all – a children’s piano "Virt" touched by fingers of Peter Tchaikovsky when he was a child, fireplace screen, embroidered by the mother of the composer Alexandra Andreyevna, the table from Moscow apartment of P. I. Tchaikovsky.
It should be noted that Votkinsk museum since its foundation has gained much more importance than just a historical monument, learning how to successfully combine two hypostases. On the one hand, it's really a memorial. Funds of the memorial estate of P. I. Tchaikovsky store unique materials and priceless collections of exhibits. On the other hand it is also the place where guests are always welcome; they may attend a variety of exhibitions, unusual theatricalized tours, concerts.
In preparation for celebration of the 175th anniversary from the birthday of P. I. Tchaikovsky's the restoration of museum complex has been started in memorial and architectural complex "Memorial estate of P. I. Tchaikovsky" since September 2013.
March 30, 2015 the opening ceremony of the museum after restoration took place. And today the memorial estate of P. I. Tchaikovsky is a historic space with modern navigation systems and systems informing the visitors, a high level of safety, comfort and service. There is an area for people with disabilities created in the house and in the territory of estate.
Art project of the exposition "Music inspired by the childhood" was developed by the Ural regional Institute of museum projects. The use of modern multimedia technologies (including a 16-metre 3D screen in the mezzanine of the house) gently fits into the canvas of the exposition without interfering with the overall perception of the atmosphere of the house.
The house was filled with a variety of sound effects and musical illustrations. It is known that Pyotr Ilyich from his childhood loved music. But sometimes this love grew into a torment. One day after a musical evening with tears in his eyes he asked "to remove the music out of his head": "Oh, this music! Take it away! She haunts me!" That’s why music plays important role in new exhibition. The sounds coming from the rooms, voices, flowers, "things left" will create the feeling that the owners had just left the rooms of the house.
Welcome to the family of Tchaikovsky – "the museum of happy memories"!!!
Interesting Facts
The main exhibits of the museum:
House of Tchaikovsky
The house where the genius of Russian music Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born on May 7 (April 25) 1840
Memorial linden
Several memorial lime trees have survived in the garden, which "remember" the Tchaikovsky family. The oldest of them turns 242 in 2020.
Fireplace screen
The screen was embroidered by Alexandra Andreevna Tchaikovskaya as a gift to her husband in the year of birth of her son Peter (1840).
Orchestrina is a mechanical organ. The sounds of the orchestra were the first strong musical impression of young Peter.
Grand piano "Wirth"
The most expensive relic of the museum is an old straight-stringed grand piano, the keys of which were touched by little Peter's fingers. This is the first of the composer's surviving grand pianos.