The Museum of Space Exploration and Rocket Technology named for Valentin Glushko
Museum is on the site of a secret laboratory where the first state experimental motors (ORM) were created.
The world's first manned rocket drawing was made in 1881 by terrorist Nikolai Kibalchich while awaiting execution in a cell of the St. Petersburg prison, where he was imprisoned for participating in the murder of Emperor Alexander II. In Soviet days, it was St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad) that became the first center of Russian rocket technology. Their development was performed in 1921–33 by the Gas Dynamic Laboratory, whose offices were located right in the Admiralty, and test stands in the Ioannovsky Ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress. In 1973, a museum opened in their place.
It is noteworthy that the museum is dedicated to Valentin Glushko, who came from the GDL. He devoted 60 years of his life to rocket engine technology, from the 1920s when he came to the profession until the 1980s, when he headed the space program of the USSR. Under his leadership, “Energia” and “Buran” were built. Glushko died in 1989, at the peak of Soviet cosmonautics.
In the halls of the museum there are models of the first artificial satellite and the Vostok spacecraft (оn this spacecraft April 12, 1961 the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew into space). The exposition presents a mock-up of the International Space Station and a mock-up of the eating area and hygiene room in the Zvezda service module of the ISS Russian Segment. At the Ioannovsky Ravelin, in front of the entrance to the museum, there is the landing vehicle of the topographic satellite “Comet”, which went into space in the 1990s.
Ioannovsky Ravelin, 3 Peter and Paul Fortress, St. Petersburg
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the landing vehicle of the ‘Soyuz-16” spacecraft, which was sent into space and returned to Earth in December 1974.
How to get
on foot from the Gorkovskaya metro station